Camille is for Sale

LOCATION :: San Diego, California :: Map of Current Location :: Past Anchorages
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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

One Year Cruise-iversary

One year ago today we finalized the purchase of Camille and moved aboard in San Diego. Thanksgiving 2011 was the first time we woke up aboard. A week later we sailed our boat into Mexico where we have been living and exploring ever since.

We are about to celebrate our first Thanksgiving in Mexico and feel more grateful than ever. Many people worry that they will miss their family while out cruising. My parents live right up the dock on their boat and Mike's parents spent two weeks with us in May exploring te Sea of Cortez and are planning a trip for January. We have spent more time with family since we've been in Mexico than we did the entire seven years we lived in Portland and Alaska.

While we haven't been able to earn much money we have been able to live (mostly) frugally and simply, yet our daily lives are spent much like others spend their annual week of vacation. Diligent saving and planning got us here but we are grateful nonetheless.

¡Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias

Incidentally, today also marks the anniversary of the last time I saw the V-berth look like this and the last time we saw the bottom of our lazarettes! ;-)

I posted it before, but here is the slideshow of our trek from Portland south to Camille. Click play when you are ready to watch.


  1. Congrats on a whole year out there!! Time flies, right? Cheers to lots more years to come!!

  2. What you are doing is truely an inspiration!

  3. Very big congrats and Happy Thanksgiving to you!

    There's so much to be thankful for...every day, not just today. I've come to know that gratitude is a choice no matter your circumstances.

    Just like the previous comment stated, you're an inspiration. Even though we're three years away from living aboard full time and cruising, I still read your blog and several others for research information and to keep up the momentum of inspiration.

    Keep it up and enjoy life to the fullest!


    1. Thanks Mike! We had a great T-day of beach, surfing and tacos! Just looked at your blog and added it to our link list. Comments like this inspire us to write more blog posts! :) Thank you!

  4. We just passed our one year cruise-iversary too - congrats and we will hoist a glass or two in honor of your accomplishments so far.

    1. Thanks Jane and Ean! I'll drink to that (and to you)! Love your post on Women and Cruising btw! Didn't know you were a fellow boat-kid turned boat-adult ;-)
