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Friday, April 12, 2013

Fiesta Mexicana for Travel Secrets TV Show

Last night, along with my parents, we were invited to film a Mexican Fiesta for the next (fifth) episode of the Travel Secrets Mexico TV Series. We enjoyed delicious food from several states such as Jalisco, Guerrero and Sinaloa as well as dances from different regions around Mexico. The highlight of the evening was the fire-dance where the dancers/warriors show off how much heat their skin can handle.

The TV series is produced by my parents aboard their sailboat. The hope is to help restore some trust in Mexico's tourism and get tourist to once again visit this beautiful (and safe) country. They do the work out of their love of Mexico and pay for most of the airtime out of their own pocket - save a few sponsors. The show airs every Saturday at 9 pm (PST) on FamilyNet Television. To watch any of the episodes right now visit the YouTube channel.



  1. Great pictures! I just watched the Bandera Bay episode ... great job and looking forward to watching the other episodes when I can!

  2. I can't wait to watch all the episodes. So glad you posted this info. My husband often tells people "she wants to be a Mexican when she grows up." I just find all the people so friendly. Our son just recently rode a Honda 100 from San Jose, Costa Rica to Austin, Texas. He said the trip was fantastic and no where did he run into any trouble, especially in Mexico.

    1. Having lived a large part of my life in San Diego I heard so many bad things about Mexico. It's very sad. The people here are nothing but warm and welcoming. As they say: "If you come to Mexico for the weather wait until you meet the people" :-) Your sons trips sounds amazing! I'm hoping our next adventure will be trip by van all over Central and South America....

  3. Oh yes, it seems as if a lot of the people of San Diego feel that way, I visited relatives many years ago and they shuddered at the thought of going anywhere near the border much less cross it. It's probably the same as some of our native Texans here on our border too. Our son's most recent trip was to Peru, he had a fantastic time there. His next trip will be to Colombia. He's considering buying a house/land in Nicaragua. If you go to my blog, you can see some of his pictures of his travels to Central America.

  4. I'll have to check out some episodes tonight when I get out of the office.
