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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Night-Watch Lentil Soup

Now that we are back in cooler weather we like to have some hot soup to keep us occupied during our long watches at night. Before we leave I make this fast and easy Lentil Soup that doesn't require any perishable ingredients.

1/2 large onion
1 14oz can mixed vegetables
4 cups water or broth
1 cup dry lentils
2-3 Tbsp bouillon powder (less/none if using broth)
1-2 Tbsp curry powder 
1/2-1 Tbsp paprika powder
Salt and Pepper to taste

In a large pot cook onions in oil until tender. Add vegetables and water. Bring to a boil. Add lentils (1/2 cup more if you like very thick soup). Add minimum amounts of bullion and spices - then add more to taste. Cover and simmer until lentils are cooked - about one hour.

This recipe is also available on our galley community GalleySwap.

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